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Jala Wahid is part of group show Still I Rise: Feminisms, Gender, Resistance, Act 2 at De La Warr Pa


De La Warr Pavilion

Ground Floor Gallery

9 February - 27 May 2019

This major group exhibition explores resistance movements and alternative forms of living from a gendered perspective. It looks at the forms resistance can take: from intimate acts to large-scale uprisings, from the late 19th century to the present and beyond. Featuring the work of over 50 practitioners from across the world, Still I Rise shows how resistance has been approached by visual artists, writers, architects, designers and activists, working as individuals or in groups.

Co-curated with Nottingham Contemporary where Act 1 opened last year, the exhibition is recalibrated for Act 2 to focus on architecture, design and the politics of space.

Including works by Amina Ahmed, Judy Chicago, Jamie Crewe, Blondell Cummings, Dyke Action Machine!, Gran Fury, Carl Gent, Suzanne Lacy, Zoe Leonard, Matrix Feminist Design Co-operative, Brenda Prince, Tabita Rezaire, Tai Shani, Linda Stupart, Jala Wahid and Osías Yanov.

For more information, click here.


Kingsgate Workshops Trust

110 -116 Kingsgate Road, London NW6 2JG 


Main Office (Wed-Fri) 0207 328 7878 

Project Space (Thu-Sat) 0207 624 6324 


Project Space open 12-6pm Thurs - Sat during exhibitions




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