Super Super | RCA Print exhibition of new works at Kingsgate Project Space from 29 June - 1 July 201

Myka Baum, screen-printed worm cast earth and gold leaf
Super Super
RCA Print exhibition of new works
Opening event 29th June 6– 9pm
Exhibition open Friday 30th June and Saturday 1st July 2017
The 2017 graduates from the MA Print course in the School of Fine Art at the RCA are exhibiting a range of printed and multiple works at Kingsgate Project Space.
The pieces are experimenting within the territory of print media and multiple objects. The works here fall into two categories, a book titled The Fold that acts as a container for independent pieces and works that approach and seize the value of being multiple. These artefacts repeat themselves in this moment in history, the urgency of being in more than one place at a given time comes to the fore.
The fold work can be seen as a simple interiority and exteriority; surface and depth - the fold shows that the inside is nothing more than the fold of the outside, or the difference between front and back. In his book ‘Foucault’, Gilles Deleuze describes the fold as a critique of subjectivity, where the ‘forces of outside’ are folded into the thought of another. ‘To ‘have’ is to fold that which is outside inside.’
The multiple works within this project are wide-ranging and include many different approaches and techniques. Some works make close observation of the natural world, looking at the lives of worms or similarities between wood grain and water. Other works focus on the landscape and topography, where neon grids and contour lines frame mountainous expanses, and others depict Goya-esque rhizomic plants, inhabited by fantastical creatures.
The print students embrace a range of media and methods from wood and paper to plastics and photography, transformation and reinterpretation through the changing of media is key.
Ahaad Alamoudi | Yun Cheng |Nicolai Freberg | Liz Wilson | Kim Robertson | Daisy Billowes | Myka Baum
Alexa Thomson | Kilolo Ross | Maite Cascon | Joseph Kessler | Fran Gordon | Jo Verbena | Yuko Obe
Amy Cornfield | Natalia Skobeeva | Victoria Sin | Sam Taylor| Carol Wilhide Justin | Vicky Samuel
Leonie Lachlan | Holly Drewett | Lewk Wilmhurst | Zilin Lin | Karl-Peter Penke | Heidi Maribut Mortensen
Eugenia Popesco | George Yarker | Victoria Zanconato | Ji Yue Deng | Marine Lefebvre | Julia Marco Campmany
Astrid de Broqueville | Shigetoshi Furutani | Bianca Barandun | Ruei Yi Fang | James Jessiman